Who are we (am I) becoming in 2019 - growing into the For God Life 

God originally created humans to rule over the world (Gen 1). Humans' performance in this regard is mixed, but more than any other creature, we have the capacity to influence and shape this world.

This role of ruling continues in the new heaven and earth creation where it says we will be with God and like God but also reign with God for ever and ever (Rev 22:5). This can seem way beyond our current lives but interestingly Jesus gives hints of this in His parable of the 10 Minas. Servants who were faithful in using the money their master had given them (equivalent to several years wages) were rewarded with responsibility for numerous cities (Luke 19:11-27)

God has shown us what His sort of rulership is through the life of Jesus. And we have been invited to copy Jesus (Mark 1:17).  The book of Acts and Christian history show that it has been possible for Christians to learn to live For God and to represent Him in this world. And it is also possible for us!

Living a life For God is built on a life lived With God and Like God. (see the 2019 .... with God, and like God resources) 

Some simple questions you could ask are:

  • Who am I sent to?
  • Who am I sent with?
  • How can we convey the Good News of God to them by our actions and words?

Here are some more detailed steps that might help you grow in the For God Life: 

1. Identify the labels that you put on yourself and the labels that others put on you, about your roles and who you are.


  • Family roles - Sister, Brother, Spouse, Parent,.....
  • Work or Study roles - Nurse, Lawyer, Labourer, Student,....
  • Leisure roles - Footy coach, Treasurer of the organisation, Team member,....
  • Labels about who you are - old, young, fat, thin, smart, dumb, busy, lazy, creative, pedantic, life of the party, loner....


2. Identify what comes to mind when you think about wearing the label "God's Ambassador" (2 Cor 5:20, Jn 20:21)


  • Unsure whether I want to wear that label?
  • Inadequate?
  • Unqualified?
  • Don't know what that means'?
  • Wondering how I will fit that in with all the other labels I have?
  • Inspired?
  • Energised?
  • Humble?
  • Confident in God's provision?


3. Reflect on how you need to rearrange the labels in your life.


  • Removing some labels;
  • Moving others from the centre to the edge of who you are;
  • Cooperating with God and receiving the label 'Child of God' your deepest and most important label;
  • Receiving the label "Ambassador for God" as your next deepest label
  • Pray that God will remove all the barriers to this process
  • Plan ways to remind yourself of these deep and most important labels


4. Ask God to give you specific wisdom and insight about your Ambassadorial role(s) and simple steps you could take to becoming a better Ambassador.


  • Ask God (and other Christians) to help you clarify who are you sent to (as His Ambassador). You might be sent to a few different settings eg work, your neighbourhood, school etc
  • Ask God (and other Christians) to help you clarify who you are sent with (Embassys almost always have groups of people representing their country)
  • Reflect on what gifts, capabilities, connections, and resources that God has given you that will shape your unique Ambassadorial role(s)
  • Identify the next things you need to learn to be a better ambassador (knowledge, skills...)
  • Identify people you could be with to observe, ask questions, and learn from. Identify books, videos or other resources to help you learn and practice
  • Make a plan to interact with the people and resources


5. Take steps to increase your chance of following through on your plan.


  • Be really specific with your plan;
  • Keep it simple and achievable;
  • Write it down in a place where you can review it regularly;
  • Program a reminder into your calendar/phone
  • Share this with someone you trust and ask them to pray for you and ask you how you are going with that step.

Whatever you choose to do, it will start as a discipline, but with persistence it will progress to a habit, and then become a lifestyle.

David Wanstall, 26/02/2019