Who are we (am I) becoming in 2019 - growing into the Like God Life 

God created humans in his image (Gen 1) and at a deep level we are carriers of Gods' image. But it only takes a bit of introspection to realise there are many parts of our lives that are currently not like God. However, we can be confident that in our future we will be like Christ (Phil 1:6, 1 John 3:2, and Rev 21 which describes God's people as being being pure).

God has started this work of new creation through the life death and resurrection of Jesus and the sending of the Holy Spirit. 

The New Testament and Christian History show that it is possible for us to grow into a Like God Life.

The starting point for being transformed to be Like God, is to be With God. (see the Growing into the With God Life post

In 2 Cor 3:18, Paul says "And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord's Glory, are being transformed into His image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord who is the Spirit." And if we are unsure of how to contemplate the Lord's glory, a few verses later Paul says 'God's glory is displayed in the face of Christ'' (2 Cor 4:6)

The next step is to cooperate with God in putting off sinful ways and putting on Christlike ways (eg Col 3:1-17) 

1. What aspects of my character need to be removed from/reduced in my life?

  • For example: anger, contempt, lust, revenge, pride, looking good, worry, judgmentalism....
  • Remember - with the grace and forgiveness we know through Jesus it is safe to be honest.


2. What aspects of God's character need to be added to/expanded in my life in their place?

  • For example: faith, hope, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility, self control, purity, generosity….
  • Don't rule out the possibility of growth in any particular area. Remember you aren't doing it in your own strength!!


3. Pick one area of your life to focus on

  • Think about what Jesus is like in that area;
  • Think about some people you know who embody this change - either from history, books, or by direct acquaintance.
  • Think about why is it desirable to become more like Jesus in that way (If we are not convinced of the goodness and desirablity of the change it is much less likely to happen).
  • Think about what your life would be like if you were more like Jesus.
  • Even if you identify lots of areas that need change, if you try see too many changed at once, you won't end up seeing any changed. Instead, focus on one and when you have seen improvement in that area then move onto another area.


4. Ask God to give you specific wisdom and insight about that area and simple steps you might take.

  • REMEMBER: Our character changes as we receive God's grace into our lives by trusting in God- it is not something we do in our own strength. But that doesn't mean we have no part to play. Under God's leading and empowering we will need to take steps in response to God's grace.
  • The change will almost always involve stopping something (weeding) and replacing it with something else (feeding).
  • Reflect on what you want to weed. See if you can discern why you act that way. Often we are trying to get something apart from God's provision. Underneath it, there can sometimes be a misbelief about who God is and/or who we are as God's children'.
  • Think about a specific way(s) you can begin to 'say No'
  • Reflect on what you want to feed. Think about how that characteristic is a natural outflow of who God is and who we are as God's children.'
  • Think about a specific way you can begin to 'say Yes'
  • Often negative aspects of our character are revealed in situations where we are stressed, tired, or feel under attack. Trying to change in the midst of those moments can be difficult. Therefore it is wise to ask God to show us how we might be open to God's weeding and feeding in a simpler, more relaxed setting. It can take time for a new characteristic to become an embodied, automatic part of who we are.


5. Take steps to increase your chance of following through on your plan.

  • Be really specific with your plan;
  • Keep it simple and achievable;
  • Write it down in a place where you can review it regularly;
  • Program a reminder into your calendar/phone
  • Share this with someone you trust and ask them to pray for you and ask you how you are going with that step.

Whatever you choose to do, it will start as a discipline, but with persistence it will progress to a habit, and then become a lifestyle.

David Wanstall, 20/02/2019